Sunday, July 29, 2001

YO YO YO!! I'm in a way silly mood, and I'm sooooooo out of it. I guess that's because I had to go to work at 9:30AM! this morning after not being able to fall asleep until 4am. sheesh! And EVERYONE and I mean EVERYONE wanted to return things today. It was kinda no fun. :P But I got to home early because we weren't making enough business. hahahah. Anyways.

I'm kind of frustrated because I haven't been able to get ANY dates right. I thought the FTC meeting was last Sunday, and then I thought it was today, but it was really yesterday. And then I thought my flight was on Wednesday, but it's actually on Tuesday. And then I thought I had to go to work today at 9:15, but it was actually 9:30, and then I thought I clocked out at 1:29, but it was actually 1:27. Am I going crazy? What the heck! Anyways.. it just attributes to all my mental derangement. Blah.

But the good news is that my mom is being significantly nicer to me. Which is very very nice. I just have to try and keep it up by being a good child. haha. :) umm I think that's going to last about 2 seconds. oh.. Bad me. But yeah. so that means I have to clean my room and all, and pack, and plan out my clothes for Buffalo. I want to buy a nice party dress, but I don't know if I should. Eh.. I'll think about it once I go through all my clothes. But that's going to be a hassle because now I have to be done my Tuesday night!! shoooot.

Anyways.. I've be downloading a lot of stuff. Haha.. it's kind of addicting. But I don't know if feel bad for like pirating.. or like because I feel like a nerd. But I have the movie AI, and the movie Pearl Harbor (yay hotties.. Josh Hartnett and Ben Affleck), and then I have the two *NSYNC songs that are on the foreign cd's, but not the US ones. (don't you feel cheated?) and a bunch of other coolio stuff. But I'm tired, and I must go clean.. mm.. my favorite pasttime. Toodle-loo!

Saturday, July 28, 2001

So nothing too important today. I had to go in to my On-Call shift for work, which was good, because a) I wouldn't have to go in for just 2 hours to close down the store (I hate 3 hours shifts) and b) I got to escape from my house. But that also meant that I wasn't able to go to the FTC meeting.. sorry Nicole!! I wish I could have went. Haha.. they should have it in the Red Robin in the Galleria, and I could stop on in.. But it was an okay time at work. It was a busy busy day, but we got out in an hour after closing, which was pretty good. Other than that I woke up really late. hahah I finished downloading these movies that I was just trying out. That would be pretty wicked if they worked. I'd be psyched... but then I'd have to burn em on to cd's so that it wouldn't eat up my hard drive. But I was bummed when I got home because the VCR wasn't on, and it tivo'd an hour of Torrance City Cable (boo!) instead of Big Brother.. man. sucks...

3 more days until I leave for Buffalo! Yay!! Which also means I have to do my board report and my awards application before I leave.. shoot and I work on Sunday and Monday. And my mother took this week off, so it will be NO fun at home. Let the tyranny begin. blah.. I totaly have to clean my room though.. and possibly return some stuff.. haha.. :( I want that fron t slit skirt! It makes me mad that I can't find it. Maybe I'll have Joan drive me around.. Or maybe we'll get some in shipment on Monday! Yay!! That would make me happy. Well I'm DEAD tired, and I have to work tomorrow morning.. :( 9:15am... poop.
So I guess I'm just always a day late for this blogger thing. But I guess that's what happens when you don't wake up until half the day is over. But I have a really good excuse this time. I had to work until 10pm.. so yeah... it's not like I was wasting my day or anything. I was out earning that dolla! Um so I woke up today, found out that I missed *NSYNC again(!) on the rerun of Access Hollywood.. shoot! and then went out to lunch with my aunt at El Pollo Loco. It was a good meal. I feel sort of bad, because we eat out like everyday, and she like pays for everything. And she says it's because I don't really have an income (haha.. I guess minimum wage doesn't count). Whatever.. I feel like a moocher. And then I went to work, and folded, and ran around, and then rang. It was a good time.. not to stressing. And I even found out that they're playing the Kid's CD, and it has POP!!! on it much to my enjoyment. YEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSS!! I love it. I shreik and dance everytime it comes on.. and all the customers (and co-workers) think I'm psychotic. Oh well. whatever. I also harrassed my manager about the *NSYNC concert that he got to go to and I didn't. Oh well.. next time.. 7th row baby!

Other than that my day has been kinda dull. Work just sucks up the time man. And the money, since I workin retail I spend all my moola there, and then some. oh well. At least I'll have cute clothes.. hopefully. I don't even know what I buy, because it's not like my wardrobe has significantly increase.. or has it. Eh.. I guess it has... I guess when I can not do laundry for a whole quarter, and then still have clean clothes to wear, I have too many clothes. Hahah. But yeah. not too much new. I leave for BUFFALO on Wednesday, and so starts my exciting journey of traveling. Yikes.. and then it's back to school. Shoot. The summer has gone by too quickly.. but I guess that's okay seeing as how I am dreading living at home right now. hahahaha. Okay.. I suppose that's all for now. Oh wait.. I forgot to post this yesterday.

This kid immed me from ACE and he told me about what camp life was like after I moronically, and so unfairly got booted out of a job. And he said that it sucked a lot after I left, and people were kinda shocked for like 10 minutes when I wasn't there. Hahah, I guess I'm glad that they a least cared a little. And I asked about the kid who "complained" about me, how he didn't like me (cuz it was only to get me ina little bit of trouble, but it was retalliation for me taking away his game time), and my friend said that he felt "REAL bad." Haha.. and I dunno. I guess it kinda makes me feel better, I guess just knowing that at least someone else (besides me) knew that I shouldn't have been fired. Dang.. I really should have sued them, I would have lots of money. But I guess it's a good thing that I got fired, because a) then I got to spend longer at ICON, and stay the whole time, and meet all the exciting people that I did, and b) now I work at the GAP and have all the cute clothes that I do now huh? Whatever. I just feel so cheated... but I guess I'll just leave it up to Karma.. that lady was a mean mean lady, and she was dumb too.. she (hopefully) won't get too far in life. Does that sound too bad? Yeah.. I'm spiteful.. and bitter.. I guess I always will be. *sigh. Until I am super-successful, and marry a hot hot guy and have beautiful children, and can laugh in all those faces.. haha.. okay. I'll stop. But yeah.. ACE Computer Camp can kiss my butt. If you ever hear about them man... spread the word, they suck hot monkey ass and blow mad goats!

Friday, July 27, 2001

Alright.. so I'm just up late.. so the date will say the 27th, but I'm actually posting for the 26th. So if there's two blogging's for the 27th, it's not because I'm a loser with no life. Anyways.. today was an okay day. I kidna fixed the Tivo and the TV and the cable so that I can still use the Tivo. Which is great. I still wish that I had HBO... but now since we don't have the cable box (hmm.. I wonder if they think that we cancelled the cable, and now it will just come for free.. haha) I get all the premium channels all fuzzy. hahaha fuzzy porn here I come! just kidding.. I don't do that anymore... haha now that I'm 18 and I can buy it at the store. Just kidding.

So anyways... I haven't worked out since Monday, and I'm feeling a little blah. Although still a little sore from my intense workout.. ahha.. that elliptical man... But I found the greatest new machine at Bally's.. it's the Gravitron.. and like you basically do assisted pullups and dips. But it's cooler than the one at RIMAC because it like and air compressor. But it's also kinda scary because you don't really push down on it, the air pushes you up.. so the first time I tried to use it.. I fell and hurt my knee. :( but it's okay because I don't think anyone really saw (it was kinda empty that day) and if they did I'm sure it wasn't really anyone that I would have cared about anyways. So I went for a swim in that murky murky pool (ew) and that was my Monday. But since then I've been chillin at home, which is both good and bad. Because I loaf around on my lazy ass... but then I get reprimanded for it.. (sucks). And it's also really annoying having people tell me what to wear, and what to eat, and what to do with my life.. yikes.. it sucks. But in a week I will be gone across the country, and then traveling galore, and then back at school.. so I just have to suck it up for this week. yikes.

Speaking of which.. I hope I get my passport before I leave for Buffalo. Then I can go to Niagara Falls. It's going to be way fun. I'm pretty excited about it. I should start thinking about clothes and such.. and what I'm going to pack. And all the other stuff that I need to deal with. haha.. But yes.. my mom is still mad at me. And pretending that I don't exist. Except to yell at me about something that I'm doing wrong. And I'm probably not making it any better by being online at 3am.. (two things she hates most.. ) 1. me being sucked in by the geekbox, and 2. me staying up late. But hey.. I'm so sick of it all. I'm not a very good daughter huh? :(

I should get to bed.. I have to work tomorrow at 3... *sigh.. the first time all week. And I don't even know if anyone fun is going to be working with me. Sucks. Alrite kids.. good night!

Wednesday, July 25, 2001

Today was an okay day. It's weird just starting this now, in the middle, because it feels like I need to explain everything before today, but I guess there's not really any time for that. But whatever, no one's going to be really reading this, and those who do, may already understand. But anyways.. my aunt is visiting and since my mom is always complaining about our messy messy house, my aunt is also on a cleaning frenzy. Which sucks because since this is a very work-less week, I've been trying to enjoy my free time, but it gets interrupted by people's nagging about how I should clean more, watch tv less, and also how my "personal health" isn't so great... aka.. I'm a big fat ugly girl that no guy will ever want to marry. *boo. So yeah.. I got in yet another fight with my mother.. I swear.. my mother and I are like Mike and Coral on the Real World.. haha.. But it sucks just because a lot of times I don't ever really fell appreciated in my family.. and then when I try to tell someone, they think that I'm "attacking" them or trying to insult them or something, so I just usually will end up not really telling anyone my feelings. I guess this attributes to why no one in our family is really close. It makes me sad. And THEN I find out from my sister (who I miss dearly because she moved out.. *sniff sniff) that my mother called her today and complained to her for half an hour!! What the heck man! It just proves who's the favorite.. it's cuz I'm the daddy's girl. But still... But I try to shrug it off, and sometimes it's not so easy... but all I know is.. ONE MORE WEEK UNTIL I LEAVE FOR BUFFALO!! yay!!

In other news. I went with Ann on Monday night at Midnight to the Tower on Sunset to get the new *NSYNC ALBUM- CELEBRITY!! It is soooooo great.. I think everyone should have one. Sadly enough though, on Tuesday I didn't go to the concert, after a lot of self-restraint that is. I tried calling all day for tickets that were released that day, but I never got through. And then I tried running down to Robinson's May, but all they had were the limited seating tickets.. which I almost bought, but then thought realistically about how I would get there, did I really want to go by myself, because anyone who would go at that moment was already there, and I don't think my dad was up for it.. and it was already way too late.. like 5pm. So I just said.. eh. next time they come around.. I'll be ready. Buttryn and I are going to be full-fledged fan club members, and we're going to camp out all week. hahahah. But seriously.. I do love the new album.. It's so great. I can't wait until I have a car with a cd player.. then I can bump it all the time. For now I'll have to settle for my poopy old mazda with my portable cd player and plug in portable speakers. Ghetto huh? But my favorite song on the album is Selfish. It's so sweet, and it's so sappy.. but that's why I love it. I agree with Nicole. "I want some guy to be Selfish for me!" But anyways.. I'm hopeless. :P

Alrite, so I think this is long enough. Be excited that you're part of the historic event of reading my first ever blogger. :) I can pretend that I'm a Celebrity and people actually care about my life, and want to read about it. (like that Melinda chick on I just hope people like Nicole don't yell at me when I don't update it all the time. hahah.. But I do thank Nicole for introducing me to the wonderful world of blogging. And you should thank her too. Love you all.