Saturday, April 30, 2005

before i embark of my weekend of cooooaaaccchhheelllaa.. i wanted to say a few quick things... first off...

happy birthday kathryn and ellie!!!

i have not talked to either of these girls in forever. i don't even think ellie knows i have a blog, and kathryn knows, but i don't know i she reads it anymore... but in case today is the day the decide to stop by, happy birthday girls :)

so i FINALLY found someone to go to coachella with me. i almost was going to sell my tickets because the hassle of going, and trying to figure out where to stay (which still has yet to be determined) was kind of not worth it to me in my lazy state. i got cheaper tickets for day 2 because vivian sold me her tickets for cheap.. so even if i sold them below cost, i could have still broken even or made $20 or something. but at the last minute i found someone to go with me... and.. it's a friend of a friend. a friend of a friend that i haven't met yet. technology is great huh. :P i kid. this guy has been a better friend to me than a lot of other people besides being internet friends, and so i trust his choice for me and his friends.... that may be my downfall - so if i dissapear and don't show up on monday or tuesday.. send out the search parties. :P

thanks to beth, nicole, heather and tracey for you support and comic relief and offers to help me out if i get stranded and ditched. i know they care by requesting hourly updates and phone calls to make sure i'm alive. hahah.. i am seriously over thinking this. you have to meet new people all the time.. and this is just another way. he's not TOTALLY random.. and please.. i know a great couple who met on the internet :) he's probably thinking the same thing as me .. like "what the hell is wrong with her that she doesn't have a single person to go with.. she must be a freak of nature"

nicole makes me feel the safest about this ...

me: well he sounds like a really nice guy, plus he's an editor.
nicole: of what? "how to kill your girlfriend, 3rd edition"?
me: no, of movies...
nicole: well.. then "red asphalt 1, 2, and 3"

hey.. it's kind of like the time that me and vivian started talking to some random boy on the internet, and then ended up at his house... hilarious. beth and nicole were also there to be worried for me and chastise me when i called them from the bathroom.. hahhaha.. i think i called them with his name and address and what i was wearing, but i didn't want to talk to loud .. but i remember after we had left, i had beth and nicole in tears (laughing) because it was so idiotic. ahh.. good times. those girls are too good to me. hahahah.

but seriously. over. reacting. i'm sure... :P i will be home safe and sound late sunday night.. (unless my parents kill me for getting home so late!) and if not.. i will leave you a final audio blog. if my hands aren't tied up and my mouth isn't taped shut ;P

Friday, April 29, 2005

i stole this poem from a friend of a friend... i haven't ever heard it before, but i bet it's one that everyone already knows about. i'm always missing the boat. apparently it's been attributed to mother teresa. i like it a lot, and it makes me feel better about how i've been feeling lately.. so i'll share it with you :)

People are often unreasonable, illogical,
and self-centered;
Forgive them anyway.

If you are kind, People may accuse you
of selfish, ulterior motives;
Be kind anyway.

If you are successful, you will win some
false friends and some true enemies;
Succeed anyway.

If you are honest and frank,
people may cheat you;
Be honest and frank anyway.

What you spend years building, someone
could destroy overnight.
Build anyway.

If you find serenity and happiness,
they may be jealous;
Be happy anyway.

The good you do today,
people will often forget tomorrow;
Do good anyway.

Give the world the best you have,
and it may never be enough;
Give the world the best you've got anyway.

You see, in the final analysis,
it is between you and God;
It was never between you and them anyway.

also.. here is a fun game... guess the google.
*it'll show you pictures, and you have to guess what word was googled to produce these images :) good times.
i forgot to say this earlier... but my co-worker mentioned it to me.. that in katie holmes' imdb bio.. she has a personal quote saying "I think every little girl dreams about her wedding. I used to think I was going to marry Tom Cruise." hahaha.. now maybe it'll happen. dreams do come true! (for katie holmes at least) aww... this is the best thing to happen to her, something she wanted her whole life. just like another young (soon to be) starlet who has netted her hot musician boyfriend that she's been lusting after forever ;P maybe tom cruise saw her imdb profile and was like ..."hmm.. katie digs me... maybe i'll give her a call" haah.. does that work? if so.. I USED TO DREAM THAT I'D MARRY DEAN CAIN. :) call me.
vivian: maybe i can get lemonade with a shot of vodka. nah... i'll just get a raspberry mojito
jean: hmm.. do i want a strawberry margarita or a killer cool aid?
vivian: a killer cool aid, it's been that kind of day
jean: you're right.


Thursday, April 28, 2005

so i heard a snippet about "tom cruise bring his new girlfriend katie holmes...." and i was like "whaaat" and was going to google it when i got to work. but i forgot. thanks to philly she graciously reminded me, saved me the googling effort and provided me with the best pictures ever.

so yea.. tom cruise is indeed dating katie holmes. awesome. (sorry pete).

i think they look really cute together. ordinarily i might be a little pervyied out by at 42 year old dating a 26 year old.. but i like tom cruise.. and he's a super nice guy. i like katie holmes too... and like me and philly have agreed it's steps up from chris klein and joshua jackson. (see.. i told you that pacey thing would never work out ;P) but her previous boyfriend's are not too shabby either. damn that katie holmes for being so hot.

here are sites for pictures:

here are some of my favs.
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so my really shy quiet cousin and possibly his snotty ass brother are going to come here and to live in our house around june. our house is not necessarily small.. but the lack of space comes from the immense amount of clutter. we have 4 bedrooms, which should be great... but it's not. we have crap everywhere, we even built and extra room, and now it's filled with junk too. we have 4 bedrooms and only 3 of them are sleepable, and sometimes still my mom sleeps on the couch. probably more so when we have guests and visitors. she says the couch is more comfortable, i say we have issues.

so anyways.. my mom was talking about how she didn't know how sleeping arrangements would go when my two cousins come to live and they'll share the master bedroom (not master really.. just the biggest room in the house). she said she didn't know if they should have 2 twin beds, or sleep in the one queen size bed currently in there. i say that they should sleep in two seperate beds, and my mom asks what will become of the queen. i say "i'll take it" and she says "where are you going to put it?" (since i currently stay in the smallest room and if i put a queen size bed in there there will be room for nothing else). i say "in my new apartment" half joking, but half serious. a lot lately i have been thinking about moving out. about a year and a half ago i was actually apartment hunting with a friend and i thought it would be nice.. fun maybe.. but i didn't have any sort of job at all and just wasn't ready for it. my mom plays the game well and she started treating me SUPER nice.. so then i think "eh.. living at home won't be so bad" i'm so easy, i took her bait. more recently beth has been talking lately about moving in together.. and i have been apprehensive... maybe i still wasn't ready for it (when i was still temp jobbing too) and scared about the amount that we fight over petty bs and didn't want living together to ruin our friendship because everyone says the quickest way to ruin a friendship is by living together, and i have the roommate curse. but more and more i've been thinking that it's time for me to be moving out. it's hard because almost all of my friends live at home.. it's more convenient, it's easy, it saves money (which we just spend on frivolous things anyways). most of my friends are in the enar vicinity, so i wouldn't want to move too far away, but it seems absurd to pay rent to live down the street from my parents. i think everyone who lives in torrance, lives at home. maybe torrance is just a great place to live? haha. but seriously.. i have been feeling like such a little kid. maybe it's being around all the people at my work. i don't think i know anyone at my workplace who lives at home. and i feel like living at home.. i won't grow up, i won't learn things, i won't do things for myself. true.. i can definitely set myself apart and do those sort of things while i'm living at home.. but it's just too easy. i need to jump in the water and sink or swim. my parents still take care of so many things of mine, and still cook for me - which is definitely nice.. don't get me wrong... but it's too easy to just let them. so.. back to the story. so my mom like flips out about how if i want to move out, then FINE i can move out.. but i should say it's because i want to, and not because my cousins are coming to live here. and how if i feel that the house isn't good enough for me, or that my mom isn't a good enough mom... then that's fine as well.

and it's SO not about that. i mean.. i guess my mom comes from a different time. you live at home until you get married.. or maybe sometimes even when you are married (my uncle lives with my grandma.. or more like my grandma lives with my uncle)... but.. then my mom started saying how her friend's (older than me) daughter still lives at home with her mom.. and maybe that's because she's a better mother. blah blah blah blah BLAH. argh.. the one thing that keeps me from moving out is the money. if i made tons of money.. i would be living it up. me moving out has nothing to do with trying to get away from my parents because they're unfit. but they are overbearing. they care what time i come home, what chores i do, who i hang out with, what i do, and my mom even opens up my mail sometimes (like credit card statements) and make comments on my spending habits.. which annoys me to NO end (the opening up of the mail). the people at my other job make fun of this guy, nicknamed baller, about how he is over 30 and lives at home. he seriously is lacking in social skills or something... but the guys there are like.. "yeah.. we're going to call you baller #2" that drew a little blood from me.

i tried to tell my mom that she shouldn't think that it is about her, that i want to learn how to live on my own and be responsible. her response is that i can start paying her rent. that would do no good... and i'm sure as hell not paying rent to still be yelled at and told what time i need to be home. she can be so negative and thinks that she is not a good enough mom to be able to keep her daughters at home. she just doesn't get it. and so what do i do? do i not move out to spare her feelings and lose my own life. i couldn't imagine dating someone while i lived at home. "umm.. my place or yours? well... can't go back to my place cuz a)my parents are there and b)my house is too messy that my mom doesn't let anyone come in our house. well... stay the night at your place? let me just tell my parents." yea.. that's going to happen.

i dunno.. it's frustrating because i am so eager to please people in this loserish, craving approval necessary kind of way. i have already been told that it makes me seem desperate. i think it roots from my mom and me always needing to please her. i have become that person in every facet of my life. always thinking i'm not good enough. i realize this and yet i can't do anything about it. i worry about hurting my mom's feelings and not wanting to move out... but i can't do this forever. i know. i feel like i need to have a "really good" reason to move out.. like i'm going to another country. i hate this feeling. wanting to do something for yourself, but not wanting to dissapoint other people. in the end.. so many other people will choose themselves over you anyday. i experience that all the time - and i wonder if my mom is the same way.. will she always choose herself over me.. or does it pain her because she thinks that i am the one always choosing myself over her. i know i know i KNOW i can't live my life to please her.. because a)it's impossible to acheive and b)in the end it's my life and i'm the one who is happy or not. i figured that out in college.. when she wanted me to do a certain thing and i chose not to. i think it was like majors or something trivial to that. but i did was gung ho about going to carleton college in minnesota, and would have ended up there if my mom hadn't threatened to cut me off. and not think it's better than anything else.. but i am not sad that went to ucsd.. because i loved going to school there.... and she will forever hold that over me.. that i should listen to her because she knows best.

this is a whole big jumble. last night my mom asked me if i was going to come home for dinner tonight. i don't know if it's just me, or if that's the way it is, but sometimes she makes me feel so guilty. for not being home all the time, for wanting to go out with my friends. i mean.. she doesn't always make me feel this way.. but when she asks me if i coming home for dinner.. i know it's because she wants me there. and if i have made plans otherwise, even if it's to hang out with my sister.. i still feel bad. i don't get it. i do know that i don't want to live at home forever. and sure as heck not until i'm 30. maybe by the end of this year, another year, maybe 2 (although that does seem like too much time).. but i feel like i would be severly lacking in several areas if i did. not because home is a bad place, but my parents are just not conducive to the kind of lifestyle that i want to live, and i don't think that wanting to have fun should be so bad.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

i constantly feel like i am like chandler in that episode of friends where he got stuck in the ATM vestibule with the model cuz of the power outage. and she asks him if he wants gum, and he's like "yea.. gum would be perfection" and then turns around "perfection?!!!"

that's me... all the time.

idiots... GOSH!!!!
i am so bored. today has been one of the longest days... even lunch was "too long" for me. that seems crazy right? but i was so bored during lunch.. i felt insane. i was going to talk a walk down to the beach, but i didn't want to go walking in the shoes that i have on. so i aimlessly meandered around. watched some soap operas. nothing important. just trying to pass the time until things are over. my next goal... 7pm.

don't you hate it when someone says something to you.. and at the moment you can't think of anything good to say? and when you walk away or immediately after a million different "good" things to say race through your head? and you're like DAMN! why didn't i say that.. or this, or that.. and then i envision whole conversations in my head of "how it could have been" right? you do that too? oh it's just me? okay.

pete holiday is a quick thinker.. well at least on IM.. which is better for me too .. since it gives you a little bit more time to respond without looking like a dumbass for taking a beat. but.. pete is good in person too.. real witty. so i don't think he's just hiding behind the IM... but here's what he has to say. (in a really cool text box which i stole from his site which is oh so witty (and sometimes mean.. but funny) as well. :P)

jeanyah: can you teach me to be quick thinking and witty like you?
jeanyah: hhahaha
TooMuchPete: For your first born.
jeanyah: well.. without your help, i may never get married or have the chance at a first born... so maybe
TooMuchPete: lol
jeanyah: although i don't think your wife will appreciate you coming home with an asian baby
TooMuchPete: Unless she's asian.
TooMuchPete: I can still hope on that one.
jeanyah: unless she's asian... but i think she'd know it wasn't hers
TooMuchPete: "Oh c'mon honey! You match!"

what a funny monkey.

you know who is also a crack up? my dad.

me: hey dad, we should go on the amazing race
dad: what's that
me: where they travel around the world and go to foreign countries and have to complete tasks. they go to countries like africa, spain, mexico...
dad: yea, i could do that.. i speak spanish.

it's funny because my dad makes up spanish words like "no problemdo" ... it's probably funnier if you knew him too... but i just want to write these down and archive them.. so i can remember it all :)

last weekend we had to move a family friend's stuff out of his apartment in san diego. one of his posessions was a bike.. which my dad and i tied to the top of our minivan. upon arriving home my dad had this to say. (kind of weird because i had to translate it from chinese).

dad: yea.. i can drive down to the beach and ride my new bike
mom: why don't you just ride your bike down to the beach and come back?
dad: because when i'm at the beach i can look at the pretty girls
mom: why don't you just walk, and then you can get a better view
dad: because then i won't see as many

hahahahah.. that made me laugh for a good five minutes.

sooo... i need someone to go to coachella with. or to buy my tickets. i haven't been gung ho about it.. so i'm not really sure.. but i'm kind of leaving everything up to the last minute.. hoping something will work out..and it's just... not. not yet. the lazy side of me is saying just to ditch everything, stay at home and veg or something. but the "fun" side of me is like "go!! it will be awesome!" but i still need a partner in crime. who's down? i've gotten lots of "i would go but.... (insert excuse here)" and by excuse i don't mean anything negative, but just that it's another reason why i'm still a loner :P oh well.......... i gotta try and figure something out. and in the end.. it's not life and death.. only like $200 at the most. but that is a lot of money.. don't get me wrong, but it is money i've already paid off on my credit card... so.... i just will be brown bag lunching it for awhile (which i should be doing anyways.)

it's weird to have crushes. i forget where i read it.. but someone was like "they're called crushes because they hurt" or something along those lines. i'm sure i mangled that too. in all senses you "hate boys" but you still want one. and while it's fun to have a crush, it sucks to be rejected.. and maybe sometimes to cut it off before you can ever be rejected. and while it's fun to "flirt" with people (is that even what i do? i swear i'm useless when it comes to this), it fun to get those feelings, but sucky to find that they're not based on anything. and then it's also a relief to know that a crush "has no interest in you" because you don't have to agonize over "does he like me" "what does that mean?".. but it's also sucky because you're like "why doesn't he like me" hahah.. it's a double edged sword.. and i definitely don't want to be stupid and girly all the time... but i just wanted to babble a bit.

a few last funny tidbits.

*talking about abercrombie & fitch*
kimmy: you know what my roommate calls abercrombie & fitch? the skinny bitch's store. and i told her "yea i bought some clothes there today" and she says "skinny bitch"

and one last one..


**Women's Ass Size Study** 
There is a new study out about women and how they feel about their asses! 

The results of this study are pretty interesting: 
* 85% of women think their ass is too big... 
* 10% of women think their ass is too little... 
* The other 5% say that they don't care, they love him, he's a good man, and they would have married him anyway.* 

har har har...

Friday, April 22, 2005

i brought up blogger because i was going to post about something. now i think i have nothing to post about... nothing interesting at least. bleh. it's that kind of morning.. it's cold and dreary. i was freezing in my bed this morning as my body refused to come out from under the covers.

yesterday i had a weird weird incident. i was waiting at the stop light waiting to make a left turn. and looked in the rearview mirror to fix my part. (yes.. i know. could i be anymore girly?) all of a sudden i hear a little crunching sound.... and i look and my car is up against the car in front of me. like a dumbass i immediately am like WTF and honk at the guy.. who i think just looked at me through his rearview mirror. maybe he didn't realize anything was wrong? maybe he didn't hear/feel anything. but i wonder if it's possible that i let my foot off the gas and rolled slowly into him, as opposed to him backing up into me. what seems more likely right? but i was so befuddled, because, wouldn't i notice the car moving? even slowly? was i that distracted? or tired? it was the weirdest sensation. he drove off and there was no damage done to his bumper, and when the light turned yellow on me i stopped to avoid some sort of confrontation with this guy in front of me. if he had really wanted i'm sure he could have pulled over and waited for me.. but by the time i turned he was long gone. so.. i don't know. no damage was done, so i guess it's just another incident forgotten... except i've immortalized it in my blog.

i'm going to highland grounds tonight to see .pete. do his thing. :) i've been trying to get people to come with me so i'm not such a loner, but people are busy or have no interest. oh well.. i think some of the good time SD friends are driving up so that will be fun. i forgot the button/present i had for pete... like always... oh well. he'll get it next time. unless i go home to get it.. but i'm not sure how much driving i want to do.

here are pictures from oakland last weekend.. because i'm too lazy to blog. but i am feeling caption-y.

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*driving into the city.. look at the fog!
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*(dinner and) DESSERT at bella in the city for dan's birthday! the BEST tiramisu evar. i still like the profiteroles from trader joe's better.

*the bubble lounge for dan's birthday part 2!!
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*yay CAMS99. haha.. dude.. we're gonna have known each other for 10 years!!! crraazy. look.. it's me and dan with the dom. hahhaha.
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*happy birthday dan!!!

other pictures from the weekend can be found here

i also had dim sum with my cousins (and angelee and her roomie) on saturday.. but no interesting pictures there. but it was yummy. :P watched sin city. it was interesting. not really my kind of movie, but i didn't hate it. and yea.. jessica alba is hott.. i'd totally do her.

i want to start playing softball in the spring again. i'm trying to get a team together again.. but i feel like some people might start flaking.. which makes me sad. but what would make me happy is if you wanted to play :) so... if you have any interest.. let me know :) you'll make me a happy girl.

i had some other random crud that i was going to post about, but i forget now. oops. maybe i should start taking ginseng pills to boost my memory.

happy friday.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Your Linguistic Profile:

70% General American English

15% Dixie

10% Yankee

5% Upper Midwestern

0% Midwestern

so i stole this quiz from pete. and i took it just because i was bored.. not that it was actually super interesting.. but i got the same results as pete and this conversation ensued (which is why i decided to post the results)

jeanyah: hey we speak the same englihs
jeanyah: english
TooMuchPete: Really?
jeanyah: yea
TooMuchPete: Awesome
TooMuchPete: Except they don't have an option for "Valley Girl"

har. har. har.

speaking of pete.. read this SUPER funny entry about another foot in mouth moment of pete's. but it's too funny. "swear to paris." hahahhaha

Sunday, April 17, 2005

i have this 80-something year old neighbor. maybe pushing 90.. i'm not really sure... but when i was little i think i used to go over to her house a lot, play with her a lot, keep her company sometimes. mostly i think i just wanted to play with her dog, and she'd ask if i could come over. i always hated going to her house though because it reeked of cigarettes, and also that "old" smell. mostly it was the cigarettes though. as i got older, i stopped "hanging out" with her as much and sometimes it seemed as if she was more a nuisance ... but i always felt bad for her. her husband died a long time ago, she didn't really have friends, and her kids seemed as if they didn't want anything to do with her. she always told me stories about how her son only came to visit her once a month.. just so that he could get his inheritance when she died. but that his wife was a "nasty woman" and wouldn't let her see her grandkids, etc etc etc. she would tell me stories about how caretakers she'd hire would steal things from her, and how the guys who'd deliver the groceries (since she doesn't drive) would feel her up and try to take advantage of her. i sometimes thought she'd exaggerated a lot.. but i don't really know. i felt bad that her kids treated her like that, and that she was alone... even or especially on holidays. she refused to go to a home because i think they treated her husband's mom badly, and he left her money, so she'd never have to go to one.

when i went to college, i think she and her fading memory kind of forgot about me. our family friend who lived in our house would give her dog baths sometimes, and maybe hang out with her.. i don't really know. when i came back i never really hung out with her, but sometimes she'd call our house and i'd help her do menial tasks like write checks for her since her hand was shaking too badly. my dad will help her on occasion when she calls, but not as often as he used to. i think that had some sort of falling out when my dad refused to buy her cigarettes for her, and said that he wouldn't shop for her if she continued to smoke. but old habits die hard and she smokes all the time.. i think. when i didn't used to work it was easier for her to ask me for help, now that i work all day long, i think she's usually asleep by the time i get home. her dog died awhile back, and i only found out recently. so now she must be really lonely. she used to tell me that her dog, foxy, was her only friend. aside from our family and maybe a few neighbors, but not really friends, just neighbors. recently this car has always been parked in her driveway. i thought it'd be nice if it was a relative or something, but i think it's another caretaker she hired. i was always scared, because my neighbor could die in her sleep and maybe no one would find her for awhile. so someone helping her out would be good. i thought it would have been cool if my friend jill could live with her and take care of her, since she worked in this old person's home in san diego, but she is too far away and had other plans with her life. bit i thought it would be fun because i knew jill would take good care of her, and i think jill would have had fun getting to know my neighbor and the fun stories that she seemed to have.

tonight the fire department and the paramedics came to "help her breathe" and finally took her to the hospital. she hates going to the hospital because she says that they treat her badly and cheat her out of her money. when i was in middle school there was a time when the ambulance and paramedics showed up on a regular basis. she'd come to use their breathing machines and she'd refuse to go to the hospital.. and sometimes they wouldn't make her, and sometimes they would. but i always knew she hated going. i think the firemen know her by now, and think of her the same way.. as sort of a nuisance, but also feeling bad for her too. tonight they made her go to the hospital although she was complaining the whole time. part of the reason it's hard to deal with her is because she's like 99.9% deaf. i stood by my doorway and watched. i wonder if the firemen just thought i was a rubbernecker or something. i care, i feel bad.. and it soudns trite or hypocritical because i never go to visit her or anything and i don't really take a vested interest in her, but i do really feel bad. i wondered (before i had the jobs) if i could live with her and take care of her. i didn't know if i could handle it. they took her to the hospital in the ambulance and the lady who lives with her didn't bother to go. i mean.. she hasn't been there that long, and maybe she's not the type to get attached. i wonder if the stories are true and she's starting to go through her stuff and find the goods while she's in the hospital. i don't know what i'm trying to say really. i feel bad that she suffers so much. i feel bad that she's so lonely. and it sucks because i don't really do anything about it. i heard sirens in the distance after the ambulance had left out street. i hope that nothing worse happened. i was going to go over to the house to see who was still inside, but i saw the alleged caretaker reach for the door and just close it. i don't know if she saw me, but she definitely doesn't know who i am and has no real reason to talk to me. i feel bad because.. i don't know why... i just do.

so that was my sunday night.

Friday, April 15, 2005

this is an audio post - click to play
i'm a little freezing. when they leave the door open.. it creates this wind tunnel. and while it looks nice and bright and sunny outside. it's not.. i'm freezing. i feel kind of gross right now... i've been looking at too much porn. kidding. i ate lasagna that my boss bought for us. i had it late and thus it was cold.. which was not the yummiest.. but it was free lunch, and i had none other wise because i had to run an errand during lunch. but.. since it was lasagna.. i feel overly greasy right now.. and i think my stomach is churning trying to pump it all out. bleh. i don't feel like working on this project.. so while i'm hoarding the paper cutter for my project, i haven't actually used it yet. and i'm not really in the paper cutting project mood. oops. i have been on myspace all day... checking lack of interaction from my friends :P and checking my blogger to see if anyone's guessing more songs.. and they haven't. boo... i knew it was a bad idea to play the game.

oh well.. had a fun saturday in san diego. here are pictures because i'm too lazy to type.

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if you want to see captions (and more pix) - imagestation it.

new music to check out...
pete thurston -
isaac cheong -
tim corley -
saba -
aaron bowen -

most of them.. if not all have myspace pages as well.. where you can hear their stuff (if not found on their site). someday they're going to be huge.... HUGE.

my mom came back from taiwan and brought me lots off goodies and treats like i asked for.. egg custards (which are a lot like creme brulee which i've just realized... must be why i like it so much) and pineapple cake. yum. it's so good when you get it from taiwan... there's something about it that makes it yummier.

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funny thing is.. is that the egg custards (in the six pack) my uncle bought from KFC. serious... KFC... the chicken place. they also have like noodles and stuff.. and egg custards. awesome.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

so i stole this little game from pete. i missed the boat as far as everyone else doing it on their blogs at the same time.. because i'm lazy.. :P well not lazy.. but i just got busy. i wrote down the songs and said i'd finish the post later... didn't do it until now. thanks. i don't know if i even have enough readers who like to participate ... but please do.. so my blog doesn't look pathetic and unloved. :P even if you don't know... leave a comment and tell me i have horrible taste in music :P ahhaha.. i'll admit though.. some of these songs are pretty bad... but i just took the first 20 songs on shuffle. except for the song i had for the fantasmic show at disneyland.. i didn't think too many people would have known that.. so maybe it wasn't a "real" song. :P okay.. here are the rules.

1. Load up your playlist and put it on shuffle
2. Pick out a line from the first 20 songs and post them
3. Commenters should try to guess the title & artist of the song that the lines are from
4. I'll let you know, when they've been correctly guessed
5. NO CHEATING. (Yes, Googling the lyrics is cheating)

1. don't, be ashamed to cry, let me see you through, cuz i've seen a dark side too
*the pretenders - i'll stand by you (pete)
2. i'm warning you, don't ever do, those crazy messed up things that you do
*call and answer - barenaked ladies (pete)
3. you're the air that i breathe, girl you're all that i need, and i want to thank you lady
*all the i need - boyzone (linh)
4. sharp disaster in a fresh new coma, was it worth it when it was over
*am i missing - dashboard confessional (pete)
5. she'll let you into the parts of herself, that'll bring you down

6. i can use my tears, to bring you home

7. how can i help it if i think you're funny when you're mad
*one week - barenaked ladies (pete)
8. i want to kiss your lips and hold you close if that's alright

9. make the man within me, desire the woman in you

10. now we can swim any day in november
*sleeping in - postal service (luc)
11. call to you so clearly, but you don't want to hear me

12. too many, things i do not care for, but thing that i adore

13. the reason i breathe is you, boy you got me blinded
*baby one more time - britney spears (linh)
14. well in case you failed to notice, in case you failed to see
*foolish games - jewel (pete)
15. we're the coolest kids and we take what we can get
*soco amaretto lime - brand new (luc)
16. tonight i wanna dance with someone else
*into the groove - madonna (pete)
17. the wind is gone, asleep at dawn, the embers burn on

18. there was a time when i was all alone, waiting for someone to call my own

19. your love is what makes my heart break

20. the way you kiss me crazy, baby you're so amazing
*eighth world wonder - kimberly locke (linh)

yaaaaay. leave guesses in the comment box... i'll come back and see which friends are the smartest. you don't want to be a dumb friend do you? :P send your friends over too... i'm desperate for this post to be loved.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

free ben & jerry's!!

on aprl 19th. sounds yummy. and probably crowded. but maybe worth it.

mmm.. half baked, phish food, chocolate fudge brownie. mmmm.....

so.. i guess they let you pick usernames on myspace now.. so it's not all complicated when you want to post a link to your myspace :) the ones i wanted were all taken over by 16 year olds (which is sad that i'm either hanging out where all the high school kids are or they're trying to crash our party :P) but it's funny that a lot of them were asian too. like.. is jean a really popular name about asian parents? because i always thought my name was too plain.. nobody had my name growing up. except my favorite 3rd grade teacher. ahhaha. i wanted a "cool" name like jennifer or kimberly.. they were like princess names.. hahahah with more than one syllable. but this is a tangent. so anyways... jean and jeaner were taken.. and jeanh seemed to plain, and i didn't want to put jeanyah out there, just in case the wackos went on a googling spree. i try to keep my blog hidden from myspace/friendster... just because i don't know who's out there. i've had some creepy experiences. haaha. but it would be cool to have a monopoly on the name. i already have that girl on webdate trying to be me. hahaha.

anyways.. if you're on myspace.. add me (if we're friends that is.. :P) and if we're not.... maybe we will be soon :)

do you like the name?

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

so.. i have a few posts that are in draft phase.. waiting to be finished and posted.. delayed by new projects and busy work at work. but this trumps them all.. so i had to post about it.

Spears Reveals Pregnancy on Her Website

hahaha.. i totally called it in my last post. hahah. thanks to sakura for the news :P

and while i'm here.. if you applied/attended berkeley grad schools in the past few years.. or received doctorates from cal you should check out this site. i guess info was stolen .. so you should check if you're one of the groups. it kind of sucks.. i got a letter saying that my info was stolen from UCSD. what's up with that? and then like a few month later sakura got the letter.. but what's with the big gap in time. it's weird.. is this the new fad in ID theft.. stealing from college databases.


posts and pictures coming soon.. i hope :P

Sunday, April 10, 2005

boooo.. sucky. i've been waiting up because my sister is coming home from vegas today. my dad asked me if i wanted to spend the night at my sister's... and i said sure..since a lot of my stuff is there - including my much needed to be done laundry. so my dad was going to pick her up and bring her back home and then i was going to take her up to her house. i asked him if he wanted me to just pick her up, so then i could just take her home, and there wouldn't be this back-tracking. and he says.. no.. it's okay.. i'll pick her up.

so he leaves for the airport, and i wait around.. wasting time on the internet, loading pictures, myspacing it, trying to dig for dirt... so i get a call from my sister.. and i'm like "well my dad left awhile ago.. she shouldn't be calling to ask where he is" but then she tells me she's at home and i'm like "you got a ride home and daddy's circle the airport looking for you?" but none of the above. my dad took my sister home and she was calling wondering if i was still coming over. i like going to her house because sometimes we'll watch tv together and it's really fun and funny.. and better than watching tv by yourself. but the maiin reason why i like it is because the commute isn't a killer in the morning. i take local fairly uncrowded streets and it takes me like 20 minutes. it's very nice.. and i get that extra 30 minutes of sleep. so anyways... i've been waiting up for the past hour because i thought i had to wait for her to come back and i had to drive her up there. but no... everything went askew. and the reason it sucks is because i am DEAD tired... and i really wanted to take a nap.. but i didn't.. because i knew it would only be more tired. so.. i stayed up.. tired.... waiting.. and she's already at home (i guess my dad just took her home because she was super tired too). it just sucks because i totally could have went to sleep at like 9:30. grr.

and now i'm blogging.. wasting more time of course. well.. now i'm uploading pictures so i'll have sometimes semi-interesting to do other than than the ultra tedious new task i have. i'm so over it already. grr. :P

night y'all.

one last thing.... speaking of y'alls.. i was reading the latest USweekly mag. argh.. i can't believe that brad and angelina are together. i totally think britney is pregnant. and mandy moore and zach braff. wow.

Thursday, April 07, 2005

got this from a guy at work. now i understand :P

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Wednesday, April 06, 2005

so i stole this from kelly.. who found it here it's like a test to see how observant you are... it's interesting... you should try to take it :) no cheating.. looking at stuff around you/on your desk to figure out the answers. and of course.. no internet :P hahahah.. the average is 7.. which i think is actually really low. but.. hmmm... i got 15.. haha. well like 14 and two half answers. hahaha. what about you? the answers will be in my comments. :)

1. On a standard traffic light, is the green on the top or bottom?
2. How many states are there in the USA? (Don't laugh, some people don't know)
3. In which hand is the Statue of Liberty's torch?
4. What six colors are on the classic Campbell's soup label?
5. What two numbers on the telephone dial don't have letters by them?
6. When you walk does your left arm swing with your right or left leg?
7. How many matches are in a standard pack?
8. On the United States flag is the top stripe red or white?
9. What is the lowest number on the FM dial?
10. Which way does water go down the drain, counter or clockwise?
11. Which way does a "no smoking" sign's slash run?
12. How many channels on a VHF TV dial?
13. On which side of a women's blouse are the buttons?
14. Which way do fans rotate?
15. What is on the back of a Canadian dime?
16. How many sides does a stop sign have?
17. Do books have even-numbered pages on the right or left side?
18. How many lug nuts are on a standard car wheel?
19. How many sides are there on a standard pencil?
20. Sleepy, Happy, Sneezy, Grumpy,Dopey, Doc. Who's missing?
21. How many hot dog buns are in a standard package?
22. On which playing card is the card maker's trademark?
23. On which side of a Venetian blind is the cord to turn them up and down?
24. On the back of a Canadian $1 coin, what is in the center?
25. There are 12 buttons on a touch tone phone. What 2 symbols bear no digits?
26. How many curves are there in the standard paper clip?
27. Does a merry-go-round turn counter or clockwise?

other random stuff... i was going to post about google maps but pete beat me to it. boo.. now it just doesn't seem as exciting if i do it now.. just the second hand post. or as carlene likes to call me "poor man's" haha.. so yea.. it's neat because you can view stuff and search for nearby restaurants and stuff and it'll show you visually where everything is.. which is good for people who suck at directions (like me :P) ahhaha. i was going to post where my house is, and post my friend's houses.. maybe i'll do that later. but it seems super neato. go to pete's post for a "better" review and a view of his hometown :P

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

i also forgot to say that i had a lovely dinner with beth at c&o cucina (italian for kitchen?) near my work in venice. it was yummy and we both got plates enough for 3 or 4 meals... plus all the garlic balls we could ever want. it was fun and i'm glad that when beth happened to be in my area around the time that i was getting off she called me and we hung out. i did get that free dessert coupon that i haven't used yet.. so we'll have to go back. if what i'm saying all sounds like nonsense (which i'm sure it does) visit beth's recap, because it's a lot better than anything i could muster up. i meant to link to it awhile ago.. instead of posting my own of course, but the hand off post even got put aside. hahah. you can even read about the lady who tried to hit and run.. but got caught. hah.

also.. my friend pete is stirring up trouble again. he must be bored or something.. but he and his posse are back with a vengeance. hehehe.. visit the action at pete is my muse.. i already told him i was going to make a movie about all these shenanigans. we just couldn't decide who'd play him in the movie :P hi-larity.
i think is this pretty interesting... someone got arrested and is facing jail time for SPIM - which is spam, but through IM.. so i hear. this is the "buzz" at myspace. or really just some link i click off my bulletin board. but it's about everyone's friend - tom :)

and netflix is only $11.99 now.. maybe i really should join! especially now that i have discovered my comp at work has a dvd player. har har har har har.

Monday, April 04, 2005

i LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE that it's 7pm and i'm off work and it's still nice and bright outside!!! yaaaaaay. :)

now i don't feel like such a work wench.

yay for sunshine :)
gosh.. i don't even know when's the last time i posted about "my life" like a this is what i did, there is where i went, and this is what i ate. (i know you miss that last part, especially pete :P) but don't worry.. i won't bore you with the long saga that would take forever to read and write (more importantly).. or maybe that would just make me even more tired than i am on this monday morning. grrr... monday.

last week this guy left our work, and we had had previous conversations about how he doesn't really like sweets, or cheesecake that my boss buys everyone for their birthday. but he did like big macs.. so i made him a "cheeseburger cake" i forgot that burger patties shrink when cooked, so it didn't turn out to be the 9inch masterpiece i had hoped for.. but it basically came out a giant cheeseburger. but it was fun and the guy liked it.. so everything works out eh? i took pictures for your viewing pleasure as well. or maybe i just wanted a giant cheeseburger on my blog :P

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my biggest dilemma was how was i going to get a "giant bun" i thought about just using pieces of white bread fitted together, but that would be messy. or i thought about buying that pilsbury dough in the tube and trying to make a bun out of that. i had my moment of eureka when i saw the giant sourdough buns. i ideally wanted to make the burger that big, but since i over estimated the size of the patties, i actually ended having to cut off the bread all around the bun. but... the patties was over a pound of meat, so i figured it didn't need to be any bigger. i think maybe i didn't keep them super thin, and maybe that's why the patties becamse smaller, because they were thicker. anyhoo.. it looked good.. who's birthday is coming up? :P

my dad came home last night. my mom was supposed to come back as well, but decided to postpone it i suppose to do some more stuff, hang out until my sister comes back. me and my dad had this "tiff" over time change and he said that i was late in picking him up because i forgot about the time change (not true) and on his itinerary and ticket it said 8:35, but he wa like "no! you should have come at 7:35! all these are wrong" hah.. sure daddy. his plane actually did land early (8:06) which is what caused him to wait - wasting his 50cents to call me to see where i was, and $3 for the parking structure fee (i miss the metered parking). if he had just called me earlier i could have just picked him up curbside.. but he thought he'd wait around. nerd.

angelee (my best friend from hs) came to town last weekend because her fam was going on a cruise to mexico. niiice. :) she came in earlier and i took the day off (slacker.. i know) so we could hang out. it was tons of fun, just driving around, seeing familiar places and just catching up. had a mini high school friends dinner and then tried to catch my work party.. but didn't quit make it in time for the free booze.. just the social company. hahah.. boo. i dragged angelee to my sister's house and made her wait for a bit for the water heater people to fix it, but she made me steal salad dressing, so i think it's fine :P

went to dave and busters last friday night. hung out with some of the old cki crowd, and of course when you put old cki'ers together, you inevitably begin talking about "the old days." haha.. it made me miss circle k a little bit, and missing volunteering and all that stuff. sure i could go candy stripe or someting (wait.. with what hours of the day?) but i do miss being in that kind of organization and being able to do all different types of projects (with my short attention span and all). and organizing stuff to do. i don't know what it is exactly. i think the project i miss most was working with the kids at the battered shelter. aww.

my gmail account now had 2gigs of space. now if only i had people who emailed me :P

i'm tired. i would love nothing more than to go home and just sleep. and it's so freezing cold outside.. despite it being super sunny. what's up with that? i miss my fleece pants. this day can not be short enough for me.

RIP jeff's mom.