so lately i've been having a tough time with my job. today wasn't one of those days. ok.. it kind of was... but the hours of 12:30pm-3:30pm today made up for it. you wanna know why? because i saw brad pitt. and he was beautiful. i mean.. not beautiful in the same way like the time that i saw scott speedman, because scott speedman is prettier. brad pitt is rugged manly. and although he doesn't tower over you like you think he would, he is hott. (two t's) i saw him a few times today.. once with weird green paint all over his face, and he was still good looking. and he was wearing a wife beater. i appreciate nice shoulders and backs. very much so. later on i saw him with no paint on. oh mylanta. i lost my train of thought both times when he walked in the vicinity and i did that whole thing where you are pretending not to notice him, but everyone knows you're secretly staring at him in your peripheral vision, especially because the idiot grin on my face gives it away. it was almost as good as the time i saw JT.. it should probably be better because i was closer for a longer period of time.. but JT is bundled in with the *nsync first love. it does rank higher than the time i drooled all over michael vartan though... but i was probably more giddy then. this time i had to at least pretend to be professional while i squealed on the inside.
today... i love my job.
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