tonight is the suckiest night in the world. either that.. or i'm on a lot of crack. today. i didn't even want to go out, and i shouldn't have. but i did anyways... and here's what happened. somewhere in between 11pm and 3am, i lost my wallet, my keys and a pack of gum. not my car key.. just my house and apartment keys, circle k office key and drive key for my digital editing class. these are all peculiar things to lose, and if those items just happened to fall on the ground as i was getting out of my car, i really should have noticed... because i was neither drunk nor high. so i drive home and think maybe i just happen to leave my wallet at home, and i just can't find my gum.. when i realized i don't have my apt keys... which makes me think someone broke into my car (because the doors were unlocked when i got back in.. and i thought i was just absent minded and forgot to lock them.. but maybe i did.. but i don't know) took my wallet, my keys and my gum. the wallet i get.. the gum.. probably because it was there.. (i hope they choke on it) but my keys?! what the heck are they going to do with my keys? they don't know where i live. (hopefully) my wallet also has my 50 dollar barnes and noble gift card, my credit cards, my gap employee discount card, my movie ticket stubs, my kaiser card, my amc movie watcher card, my tgi friday's card, my very precious school id card (now i'm going to have to get a new ugly gay id card), my receipts, and many other precious things.. so unless i'm highly delusionaly and i just misplaced my gum, wallet and keys somewhere else, this blows.
i am sad.
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