Monday, September 01, 2003

whew... happy september. wow.. time is passing so quickly. it's almost the time to head back to school, except i graduated, and since i don't have a job i officially have nothing to do. i can't even pretend to feel like i'm going back to school after it's started.

on thursday i didn't go to work to spend some quality time with the relatives. we ate lunch, i drove them around looking for different things- clothes/yu-gi-oh cards etc etc. it was good to just hang out and get to know them better since we hardly get to see each other. that night we cooked a big 'ol crab and short rib dinner (yum) and ate ice cream and krispy kremes. it was great.

there was a few bumps on the road to going to vegas, but we got all the kinks worked out and bright and early on friday morning carrie and i were on our way. i slept while carrie drove and we arrived at the paris hotel and met up with nicole, carlene, sonny, chelle, jen and ira and nicole's mom. we proceeded to her aunt's for some yummy food and quality movie making of air bud. that's the funniest movie that i've seen in awhile. :P funny for being so god awful. later that night we went clubbing at Venus at the Venetian and met up with pic and venus. it was a good time and there was lots of alcohol flowing through our systems which was pretty evident if you received a call from one of us screaming and yelling. if not, i'll leave it up to your imagination. :) it was good times.

the next day after sleeping a good portion of the day away we went shopping at caesar's- they had a cute boy standing at the front of a&f greeting people and modeling clothes in true a&f catalogue style ;), ate lunch at cheesecake factory, and then rested afterwards. all the while gambling here and there at a slot machine or two (or a ginormous slot machine :) ) my favorite is pulling those handle bars.. it's so fun (well.. until you lose all your money). after the naps chelle, carrie, nicole and i got ready to go see our boyfriends at the show at the rio :) it was a good time and it was kind of like a *nsync concert.. lots of screaming girls, boys dancing. whatever :) it was definitely a good time and i think there's a few new obsessions floating around. afterwards we grabbed a bite to eat at the paris cafe and then nicole, chelle and i went back to club rio and went dancing. it was a really good club and i totally enjoyed it except for the skeezy guy who tried to molest all three of us. ick. we danced, enjoyed the scenery and kept our eyes out for steve ;). we decided to make our last night in vegas a good one and so afterwards we walked around, tried to go to the after party but didn't want to pay the $20, then went to the palms- where nicole saw jamie foxx!! i just saw his entourage, then cruised the strip (in nicole's soccer mom minivan - sexy), saw the fremont experience and then came back at 6am. whoo hoo. went to bed at the sun was rising.

sunday we were leaving to beat the labor day traffic. so we checked out and then carrie and i went to go eat the world buffet at the rio (mmm). it was good stuff but it sucks that as you get older the less you are able to shove in your stomach. i feel like i'm not getting my money's worth. hahah. we waited in line for like an hour, stuffed our faces and then went over to circus circus. we relived some of our childhood and played the midway and then gambled some of our money away at the casinos afterwards. carrie drove home and we talked and listened to our new cds (who goes to vegas to buy cds? apparently we do.) and then i came home and just chilled. it was a good weekend, i wish i could have won a little more (or some money at all) but i had a good time for my first post 21 vegas trip. :)

after vegas, things are still going in full force.. life still happens even when you're not there. both happy news and sad news. my sister called last night and told us that she's engaged! :) jeff-gu proposed to her at half-moon bay and i guess she told my mom that the wedding may be in taiwan. trippy.. i know they say that crap about "you're not losing a sister- you're gaining a brother" but that's not all entirely true. but hey.. i guess we all wondered when it was going to happen, and now's the time. so congrats to her because she's happy :) i hope it was everything she had dreamed of.. and the next year will be pretty hectic i guess. hehehe.. i'm going to be a bridesmaid :P (* sigh.. always the bridesmaid.. never the bride :P)

and in sad news.. after i came back i was perusing friendster and i found out that one of my friends from high school had died. :( i feel bad for not keeping in touch more and never really knowing what was going on. i was going to send him a message on friendster, but never knew what to say..and always thought "i'd do it later" and now never got the chance :( he was battling cancer and was even in the news for being an experiment subject for using scorpion venom to cure cancer. he was an awesome, amazing funny guy who was nice to everyone and i always remember seeing a smile on his face. everyone's going to miss him.

duane rualo

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