Saturday, December 20, 2008

Okay, so maybe I don't have a "real" reason why today sucks and posting the story about how Jaymie's birthday was a sort of giant FAIL would probably be more interesting, but I don't have the energy for that - so I'm going to just kind of whine in the attempt it makes me feel better.

Two days ago I worked 31 hours straight... it kind of wiped me out. I guess I sort of expected it, and it's not the first time I had pulled an all nighter, but I definitely passed out the second I hit the bed, and maybe even a few times at my desk sub-conciously. I slept from 5pm-10pm, and then had some QRT and them slept for like 9 more hours. Should have been good right? Except today I was still massively sluggish and had a major headache. You could say I was still exhausted, or that I slept too much. Either way, today wasn't the funnest, but there was work to be done, along with our holiday party. That was fun, but I am beginning to feel more and more awkward in social situations, and a little more distant. I find myself not really wanting to talk to new people, for the simple fact that I feel like I have NOTHING to say. Or sometimes people just annoy me. Everything seems like a task or a chore, and that annoys me too. I don't know what is wrong with me, that I got to be like that. I think I need help.

Today was my mom's birthday, and I called to wish her a happy birthday. I know people don't like to make big deals about their own birthday, but when I want to make a big deal about yours, I want you to let me. She didn't want to go out, or do anything, and was kind of being a grump about it. But I know she still wanted to, so of course I went home. Except I was trying to finish up some stuff, and didn't leave work until 8pm. Stupid. That was dumb of me. So I was stressing out about not being there in time, and all this other nonsense, especially because I know my mom is crazy and while she didn't want to make a big deal about her birthday, she still really wanted me to be there and have dinner with me, and I totally failed at that. And when I didn't think it was that big of a deal, I realized my mom had gotten kind of dressed up in a nice sparkly sweater to go out to dinner with me. I SUCK.

Got home and my dad had already made dinner. I felt bad because I was late, I felt icky because I was tired, and just... bleh. I ate some, listened to my mom talk on the phone, and I was bored. I felt kind of bad because we should be hanging out, or spending quality time with my parents - but we don't do that. My mom sits on the phone or watches TV, my dad plays card games on his computer, and I.. sit. there. Which sometimes I don't mind, and other times, I just really wanted to be at home sleeping. What also makes me sad is that my dad went out and bought a cake that my mom really likes, and an angel cookie to put on top, and my mom just kind of shuts him down because she's mad at him for other reasons. Doesn't really want to talk to him, doesn't want to take pictures with him, and that's also hard to see a relationship deteriorate like that. It's sad. It makes me sad. I also realized that we should have made a bigger deal about it, it's my mom's 60th birthday and all, and I showed up late. I SUCK EVEN MORE. Anyhoo, we ate cake, I yawned a few more times and my parents sent me home.

I also stopped at Best Buy after work, because I got an email saying my Rock Band 2 was available for pick up, but the line was too long, and I was already late - so I left. Grr. On my way back to the apartment, I realized that it was holiday hours and Best Buy could still be open, so I went to pick up my Rock Band 2 and the girl couldn't find it. UGH. I waited around, searched the store, and she still could not find it. Then she tells me the computer system is messed up and although they have none there, the computer sent me the email anyways and there's nothing they could do. WHAT? LAME. I find out where there might be some at other stores and literally wasted 1/2 hour of my life. For some reason it just pushed me over the edge and just makes me really angry. I hate when things don't go right.

I also have been slightly stressing out about something else that didn't seem to go right. I know it's not something I should be worrying about, but I dwell, cuz that's what I do. I'm a dweller. POOP.

Bright side of today... I got a bunch of screeners from work. Movie watching here I come.

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