Despite being tired earlier, and really wanting to get my sleeping schedule on track - I am still up at 5:30am. Yay. I'm sort of debating if I should just head to the gym now and get it over with since if I go to sleep I'll wake up afternoon sometime, be tired and usually end up skipping the gym, as it's been in the past few days. *sigh. My dad said recently that if I wasn't going to get a job, I should at least lose a few pounds because what else am I going to do with my time right? I half agreed. Thanks dad. But I think I'll not going to the gym right at this moment so I don't fall asleep on the treadmill and become the next "girl smacks face falling off treadmill" youtube sensation.
I'm not totally wasting my time when I'm up this late. The peace and quiet of the night helps a little bit in the freedom of internet searching. It starts out as a few harmless job site searches, and then gets distracted to twittering/facebooking/looking at real estate/stalking/photo'ing and who else knows. But... I have gotten a few ideas, and I think I need to have a "get ass in gear" plan for the next 3 months. Because try as I may (and I still really will!) it's proving a tad bit difficult to find a job. So I'm going to keep list on this blog, so maybe I'll feel a little more accountable towards it than the white board in my room that I constantly ignore.
Feel free to offer to help with any of these things too... that's also part of posting it up here :) And then you know, ask me about if I've done something. But in the least annoying way possible because then I might punch you in the face.
In No Particular Order:
1. Figure out how to work my Nikon DSLR - well.
2. Learn how to drive stick.
3. Work on:
    a. SOFA reel
    b. Sakura/Jimmy wedding video
    c. Olivia/Chinson wedding video
    d. Annie/Mraz Hotel Cafe video
4. Take Logging/Transcription test - for fun/depth/possible jobs
5. Apply with Creative Temp Agency
6. Start Tennis Classes or find ppl to play with (anyone??)
Bonus -
?Build a website for myself?
That's what I've got so far that I can think of. How about add "go to bed before the sun comes up"...
I love you Jeanie.
1) Sonny and I can help you with your DSLR. Let's set up a photog day to play.
2) Good Luck!
3) You should probably delete your distractions on your computers so you can work on these. I'd like to see copies by the end of the month.
4) Good Luck!
5) APPLY! Use me as a reference.
6) I'll play tennis with you AFTER you finish the videos in 3.
For photography tips and tricks, I suggest reading everysinglearticle on Pioneer Woman can be helpful, too.
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