Tuesday, January 31, 2006


remember the incident with the worst chiropractic office EVER!!? well they are back. little things, but not stuff i wanted them to add on their long list of assholeness.

my lawyers called me today saying that dr. irvine's staff, specifically gabby, won't release my papers and the medical statement because they're "too understaffed" to get the paperwork together to send over to my lawyer's office. seriously? it takes you that much effort to fax over some paperwork that between 3 people you can't do it? you must be incompetent. but we already knew that. so my lawyer says we have to pay a copy service to go over to hermosa (my lawyer's offices are located in alhambra) and pick up the papers so they can make copies of them. furthermore, we have to pay dr. irvine's office FIFTEEN DOLLARS to prepare the paperwork to be picked up. seriously?! i have to pay you $15 to pull a file out of a drawer?!! i know $15 isn't a whole lot of money, but it's the principle here people. i mean.. if they said they were charging us $15 to send my lawyer's the copies.. i'd grumble a little bit, but i wouldn't be this outraged. granted.. maybe my paper work isn't all in one file (because they suck ass) and maybe they have to do some work to put it together.. but that's not my fault they aren't organized? everyone i know says "how hard is it to get some paperwork, push print, or copy?" my second chiropractor (who is awesome by the way - kyle schleicher on wilshire & 7th - 310.395.7535) has one assistant, ONE, and he managed to get the paperwork through. they're totally being spiteful bitches. i can't believe that's how they run their company. i'm going to call tomorrow and see what they say if i want to pick up my own files.. they'll want to charge me too.. this initimidating looking biker like man (but totally nice) offered to go pick up my paper work (and i wanted to add rough em up a little bit) - but i don't want to have to resort to that. i don't know.. i hate this crap, i hate them, why can't they just get over the fact that i left because they suck ass and give me my paperwork, why must they be total shitheads. UGH.

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