Tuesday, September 09, 2008

blog. i've missed you. i'm sorry i've neglected you. i think about you all the time. i always think to myself "i'm gonna blog about this" i'm sorry that i don't. i'll try to do better in the future. it's not you, it's me.

here's what i want to give to you this morning:

inappropriate conversations from work:
me: (bringing extra coffee to jen) here jen, you can double fist is
jen: you shouldn't say that to a lesbian.

mikeT: i heard the grossest that's what she said joke the other day
me: what is it?
mikeT: well, i had this cut on my lip and i said "man, this thing just won't stop bleeding!"
everyone: .... ew.
(although that's a pretty good one...)

and here's an older one i meant to post but didn't. it's still excellent:

crackerman: OoOoO
Jean: ?
crackerman: its the olympic rings! duh
Jean: hahaha you should have sent me 2 ims then
crackerman: heh
crackerman: O O O
crackerman: O O
crackerman: damnit
Jean: FAIL
crackerman: it like autocorrected my spaces!
crackerman: not my fault!
crackerman: .-=-. .-=-. .-=-.
/ \ / \ / \
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'-' '\-/' '\=-'
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'-=-' '-=-'
crackerman: man, fail again.
crackerman: i give up
Jean: hahahahah
Jean: a for effort
crackerman: thanks

ps. my sister just joined facebook. it's overtaking the freaking world.

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