So I really should probably be sleeping. I have an all morning meeting for a run through in which no one from our team is attending at night which, to me, seems sketchy. I'd like to say that it was an oversight, but we came to the conclusion that leaving us out is partially intentional. Or maybe people are really just that stupid. It just doesn't make sense how people operate sometimes. You don't think it's important that people who are giving direction on how things will look need to be there in the review of the product? Really?
Which brings me to original subject and point of me blogging instead of sleeping.
Ever since I've started this job, I've had an issue with a few things, the long hours, the massive amount of work, the confusion - but one hasn't been as constant or annoying as the attitude. True, you're never going to have the ideal working environment, and there are always people who are you're going to want to punchemintheface, but it can be so much better or so much worse. Since the beginning I've had to deal with two constant painsinmyass. These ladies, P & K, started out... sort of nice. Sort of. And maybe because I don't suck up to them, maybe because I'm so head strong, maybe because.. you know... I have no clue. They don't like me, and openly ignore my existence, talk to me as little as possible, and a flat out rude to my face. I DON'T GET IT. How do "grown ass people" (for lack of a better term) act like this? In the work place? No clue. Sometimes I laugh it off, because it's funny how stupid people are, and other times it really gets to me. My co-workers have told me not to take it personal, and know that their people skills suck, and while I don't take it all that personal, and I know it's not all me, it's still really frustrating and trying to be constantly be treated like that and to have to put up with it, on top of all the other things that I need to do. It's increasingly frustrating when it impedes me from doing a good job.
Example: Today there was a shortage of crew gifts floating around, however... I got one. I wanted to switch out my Medium for a Small, and since I knew there was an extra Small floating around, I wanted to switch out. However, P grabbed the extra before I could switch it out because she wanted to solve her shortage problem. I asked if I could switch out the Medium I had for the Small she just grabbed (because really, there's like one person on your crew who is a Small and you have 4 Smalls and 2 XL's. I'm really helping you out here.) Anyways... she acted all indignant, and so I said "if this messes up your plan, I don't have to switch." So then she says to me, has the freaking nerve to say to me "it doesn't mess up my plan, but I'm just trying to figure out how to get jackets for the people who have been on the show since the beginning."
Umm.. okay. Well technically, you're short a jacket for someone who hasn't been on the show since the beginning, so what are you talking about? And guess what? You gave your lazyhardlyworthanythingdoltofa PA a jacket and he's been around about just as long as me, and if you think he deserves one more than I do, then you're fucking retarded. It's not about the jacket. Really, I could care less. I mean, I like free stuff, who doesn't? But the idea that she didn't think I deserved a certain level of respect from her and her excuse is because I haven't been on the show since the beginning? That would fine if I wasn't saving this show's ass on a daily basis.
I'm going to stop complaining now. I know it's not personal, and I know it's not me. I know I'm the freaking shit and my boss got the best deal ever when he hired me (*sigh). You know what makes me smile? Is when I get emails from vendors like "p.s. it has been a pleasure working with you guys! you are far more organized than many of my clients." And "thanks for being a cool and good coordinator, it makes it SO much easier :)". And pseudo job offers. Then I know that the people that I actually work with can vet for the job that I'm doing, instead old jealous people who can't take their head out of their ass long enough to know what's going on. Okay, that was mean. And I don't really mean it. Part of me wishes that people could just like me. I seem to have those certain set of people who just do not like me. What gives? I hate if it trickles on to people who matter - but I feel like that hopefully the truth would come through in the end, or those people who do matter, know what's up. *sigh.. oh well.
Anyways.. I'll stop whining now. I'm so gonna fall asleep in that theatre tomorrow. Or if I'm lucky on the drive the way there :P (kidding.)
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