so i am pretty freaking estatic today :) i had a long long day yesterday and have been planning some stuff for my sister's wedding so today i had to get up early to go interview one of her friends for a video that my sister wants to show at her reception. i set my radio alarm to star 98.7 because i got a newsletter saying to listen to win the chance to go to the star lounge with JASON MRAZ. :)
so if you're smart you know where this is going, but i'll gush on anyways :) so lying in my bed i listen to the radio and they say to be caller 20 as they play curbside prophet. i'm dialing on my house phone and my cell phone (a little cheating.. whatever.. other people were doing it too). and finally the phone starts ringing and the guy answers:
the guy (Jason): "hello"
me: uhh.. hi.. d-do you have a winner yet?
Jason: nope.. you're it
me: SHUT UP!!
he puts me on hold and i hear the radio on the phone and he announces on the radio "we still need a winner, keep calling" and then he comes back as goes "don't worry, you're the winner, they just want people to keep calling." how mean :P haah.. so i get to go to the star lounge which will be AWESOME and then i also got 2 tickets to the concert @ the walt disney hall, sweet. BUT i already have my tickets for that show.. dang it! and i don't know whether the tickets are going to be way good or way bad.. it's always a toss up. but i am suuuuper duper excited about the star lounge. plus while chit chatting with the dj guy we somehow got on the topic of jobs and he said he needed a producer and that they were hiring for programming, as well as promotions. so he told me to apply and use him as a reference. :) not that it's concrete, but it's definitely an exciting possibility. YAY. my heart was beating so fast at first, and i told the guy.. and he said "that's a nice little cliche, but boring." hahah.. thaaanks. after i hung up i screamed, jumped up and down and did a little dance :) i hadn't been this excited since i won tickets to rock 'n' jock and got to see my middle school love dean cain. :)
BUT who cares.. star lounge with jason mraz is gonna be amazing.. maybe like a very trendy java joe's hahaha (minus all the cool ass sd people). but complete with leopard print couches and "cool furniture" in a 100 square foot room. i'm going to be smiling like an idiot the whole time :)
"hey, hey, something's different in my world today
well they changed my traffic signs
to a brighter yellow" :)
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