Thursday, August 25, 2005

after all that fussing i didn't even donate blood. i waited a long time... and had to get my finger pricked.. which hurts a lot too.. but my iron count is too low, so they're not able to draw from me. in addition to all the std's and drugs in my system..... rrrright. i felt slightly better about the red cross and their operation so maybe i'll go back again after i eat some liver or something.

sorry linh!! yes yes yes.. my BEST friend from middle school linh came to eat lunch with me. i could have spent the afternoon with her if i had taken off of work.. haha.. but i couldn't do that either. but we had a yummy posh lunch at chaya and the super yummy chocolate cake dessert at the rose. no running into JT today or anything boo.. but it was super fun to have lunch, introduce her to my work and she told the ceo that my mom pays her to be my friend. awesome. thanks linh!! sorry i started working so far away.. no more carne asada fries.. boo.. hopefully we can do it again soon!

my sister is less than a month away from her expected due date... CRAZY. :) but in that good way. i'm going to be an aunt.. all of the cute baby stuff without having to deal with the not sleeping stuff. hahaha :) i can't believe it's gone by so fast...

okay.. i'm tired.. maybe they took too much blood out of me while testing the iron count.. mm.. fajitas for lunch. yay.

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