i really want to get back into blogging - but sometimes i just feel like i have anything to say. i mean.. i guess the point is say whatever you want - but sometimes.. there's really nothing to say - and i'm not really fond of saying stuff just to say stuff.
i'm crossing my fingers about a new job opportunity. something silly, but something i really really really want. it feels kind of sad to want this so much - but i think it would be so fun. i really want it to because i've revised my cover letter and resume at least 7 times... i don't think i've ever worked so hard on it in my life. i found the girl i'm sending it to on myspace... i really want to send her a message via that as well.. like to follow up.. haha.. is that weird? and i thought since my regular email isn't tied to my myspace profile that i'd be okay and she couldn't stalk me (since i'm opposed to making my profile private).. but when you search for "jean huang".. there's only like 12 that come up and i'm the only one that lives in LA. really?!! come one.. there's really no jean huang's in LA?! i swear when you google me you get so many people that aren't me. i guess maybe they're all in asia. so... so much for that plan. maybe she'll see my myspace and love me.
okay.. i probably really should get to sleep. i've just have had super insomnia for the past few months. wait.. insomnia's not the right word because i'm tired. i'm just stupid and don't go to sleep. i blog, organize pictures, stalk and do other things. but today i was productive and was revamping revisions.. so it's kind of okay. i just hope it's worth it.
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