so i've basically wasted my entire day and night... and just when i was going to post about getting my act together, and getting on the ball with things. it's weird.. because when i have so many things to do.. instead of becoming more efficient, i just get more apathetic.. and end up not doing anything at all.. which makes the situation worse. yuk. i need to have more discipline and dedication. some people i know do it really well, and get their stuff together.. how do they do it? and why am i such a slacker. yuk.... so basically i spent today working, and then napping, eating and chit chatting with the roommates. we even had a fun 15 minute cuddle session in brianne's bed.. where i also fell asleep for 2 hours after she left for work. went to class for three hours (was late of course) and then back home, where i ate waaaaaay too much of cotixan's, watched tons of the real world and then chatted up a storm once i was gone. thanks to philly i was highly amused and entertained as we both didn't want to do our homework. we're such bad influences on each other, but we're funny, and cute.. so you gotta love us. :P and also there was carrie and nicole and my new friend judy who's a rabid jason mraz and nsync fan. whoo hoo.. she's got good taste. hmm. i'm still not really making sense.. probably because it's 3am, i didn't do my hw yet and my carne asada is coming back to haunt me. time for bed!
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