Thursday, March 25, 2004

ha ha ha.

how sad... howie day got arrested.

oh lordy.. how do you get yourself into this mess? well actually.. i can assume.. but really. it makes him sound like such a scum bag! (although there were times where i have thought that he was not the nicest of all persons).. and he may be a scum bag.. but he still does sound dayam good. i got my madrigals cd and dvd and it's amazing this looping music thing he does.. a-maz-ing. but anyways.. it's a dilemma, because it's like.. why support such a jerk .. but really he just wants some lovin. he's just not so smart about it. :P i'll still love to listen to him.

poor howie day.. it's okay.. i'm sure he'll recover.. next him and britney can do something. rock stars have such hard lives :P

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