Monday, December 13, 2004

so i feel pretty cruddy right now. despite the fact that i've slept alll day. i hope that it's not supreme jet lag, but rather the drugs. everyone keeps asking me if i have a fever and i think it's because they're worried that i have SARS. haha. great. i hope i feel better for tomorrow (the funeral) and that i'm not all wriggly and fussy like i've been most of today... which is why i've been sleeping it all away. can't exactly do that tomorrow.

is the weather in california still gorgeous? the day i left it was soo hot, perfect beach weather... not that i really ever go to the beach.. haha.. i just kind of like to go out and play. it would have been a good weekend for disneyland :P which i think i'm planning to go to the day after i come back.. if it's not blocked out.. i'll have to check. who wants to come with?

okay.. so sorry this post sucks.. i feel so drab... maybe it's time to go back to bed.

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