Wednesday, July 07, 2004

ack.. it's 4:32am. i moved my computer into my room so i will be on the internet all live long day... and night :P. so add my jet lag, plus the internet in my room, plus my tivo and tv watching.. bad bad news. oh well :P (for now).

just because i don't have to go to work just yet. i'm supposed to be driving to san diego tomorrow to take my mom to go do errands and visit her friends. you know what that means... california burritos and carne asada fries here i come! yumm... i drool just thinking about them :P

tonight i did work a little bit @ the hockey rink tonight. i kind of messed up.. my first night working in like a month or so and i didn't review the rule books. oops. plus.. lots of hectic fighting, penalties, injuries and stupid people trying to pretend to be other people.. aiya. oh well.. it all got handled :P

i am in tv bliss. big brother is back with season 5!! yay. yea.. it's hokey with all their "project DNA" crap and retardedness.. but i still love it. hahah. i always laugh at how stupid the people are.. and i'm always like "ew.. i could do so much better than that!" but really i'd probably be the first one voted off. (well hopefully not the first.. but whatever). i also watched the amazing race for the first time. i always heard it was good, but never watched it. i thought it was a cable show or something.. wasn't eli swanson on the first season or something? i bet that was hott. but it's good too.. and i sit there and think the same thing.. "oh i could do that! i know how to get to lax! i can drive aggressively on the freeways! i know spanish!" haha..except for that whole carrying 55lbs of beef slab. i'll have to find some strong guy. haha. and work out a whole lot before that too. :P but i'm glad that people who you wouldn't think would make it did.. nicole is rooting for the soccer moms. i like them.. i also like the military dad and his daughter. i'm torn about alison and donny. i HATED her on big brother.. but i dunno.. she's entertaining at the least. hahah.

OH! i've also been watching who wants to marry my dad 2. haah.. i never watched the first one.. was it always so much like meet my folks? but i'm especially invested in it because i worked as a "sequesterer" for a weekend and hosted one of the girls.. nicole. so i hoped she'd win!! except the dad said he had no chemistry with her at all.. how sad. i wonder why... and i wonder why the girls didn't boot her off. weird. maybe there's still a hope! i kind of think it's suzanne.. but it's too obvious! they wouldn't be so obvious would they?

oh reality tv is the devil. :P

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