Wednesday, December 28, 2005


this is me... at work... :
i can't really complain, i'm getting paid to not really do anything.. hang out, blog, myspace, look up crap on the internet. whoo crap! it's really quiet though because so many people are on vacation. but i am not, and i am just sitting here. maybe since i have a new cube i could crawl under my desk and take a nap and less people would notice... but then i would be under my desk. ew. haha.

this week has been a week of meeting up with old friends. i guess that's how it is when people come home for the holidays. last night was middle school friends, tonight is high school friends. good times. maybe in a few years i'll meet up with old college friends, because right now we're not really keeping in touch much. some of them.. but not all. i'd post pictures, but i don't have the really recent ones and i'm a little too lazy right now. you'd think the boredom would want to give me something to do, but in turn it just makes me tired and lazy. hahah.. i've been watching a lot of days :) but only the carrie/austin/sami/lucas storyline. i fast forward through everything else (i <3 tivo) but yet still manage to keep up on what's going on because it's so slow! and you just can tell by facial expressions. haha. austin=hot, but they're all still so dumb. i can't believe they talk to sami, or drag their feet on telling they like each other.. stupid stupid stupid. so frustrating!! but i'm still so addicted! i've also been playing mario party 7 .. whoo!! not a whole lot.. but i did stay up until 1am on tuesday morning playing it.. so fun. :) - but that was only my second time.. and i haven't played since then, so i'm not totally hooked... yet.

ooh yay.. i might have lunch with my mom and j^3 (the nickname for joan, jeff & jake... lazyness sets in and that family is reduced to a symbol.. like prince). hahah. that'll keep me from falling asleep... i did bring lunch though.. leftovers from dinner last night at el pollo inka... yuuuuum..

i'm going to sundance :) i booked the hotel and flight and car yesterday. yay!! i thought the plans were going to fall through, but they didn't.. :) if i can get a few more of my friends to come along with it'll be SO fun.. hopefully they'll say yes!! i realized that it's only in a few weeks too.. crazyness!!

anyone have good plans for new years? umm.. i mean.. good plans that i can crash? haahah. i'm not that great at planning good outings.. sometimes they come together, but a lot of the time with big holidays everyone has their own idea of what they want so it's hard to get everyone together. birthdays are easy because you plan what you want and everyone has to go along with it because you say so.. haha.. i might just end up babysitting so other people can go out and party. is that lame? hahah...

yay! going out to lunch.. indian food? i hope i like it.. i usually don't.. the spices are too different for me..

today's lunch:

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