so for all you UCSD kids.. vote yes on the Athletic Fee Referendum.. this is what I have to say. Today while I was walking back towards my car, we all passed by some Action kids handing out their literature. And then I heard some boys... who were probably losers with no life.. comment on how they didn't care enough to vote, but did vote on the Fee Referendum. And then went on to say how they voted no because they didn't want to pay the $27 to help out atheltics when only $1 or so went to recreational facilites. And then his lame ass friends concurred and said that that was bullshit, and it was the principle of that they didn't want money coming out of their pocket. And not to fund sports either because there weren't any sports worth watching or supporting at this school. And then one of those guys was all like, "well our water polo team is pretty good isn't it.. and our women's soccer team won the national championships again" and I don't think they really said anything in response to that, except that they didn't want to have to pay more money. This is my gripe, and I really didn't feel like getting in to a full blown argument with them.. so I'll just say it here. To those people who think there aren't any sports worth supporting... I bet you've never even gone to a game, or thought about it. How can you talk about something that you don't even know? And the point of the referendum is to fund these sports so that we can become better and make them more amusing to the masses. Sure.. maybe I am a little bit biased because I work for ICA... but that doesn't mean I'm wrong (haha.. cuz I never am). :P But schools like UCLA and Stanford pump big amounts of money into their sports, because they have money and thus people support them. We don't have money, and people think they suck, and then won't give them money and the whole cycle starts all over again. And I wouldn't say that sports weren't enjoyable anyways.. people that actually do go to games have a good time, and have lots of fun supporting their school. It's just all the lame losers who don't care enough to even look into it, and then say it's not worth their time, when really they have no clue what they're talking about. There's a lot of really talented athletes out there, and they shouldn't have to suffer the consequences of the apathetic student body and get less support than they already do. Like I pay $75 in my student fees to use RIMAC... and just because I don't go everyday.. my money's going to waste.. but I'm not complaining that this fee should be optional.. or to lower this just because I personally don't have the time to enjoy it and don't feel it's worth it? So moral of the story.. vote yes on the fee referendum
On another note.. my email hardly seems to be working correctly.. either I receive my mail, and can't send mail out, or I can send mail out, but can't receive it.. but not both at the same time. yuck.
One more thing.. my dad's leaving for Taiwan for three weeks and I'm not going to get to see him or talk to him. sadness. :( have a safe trip daddy.
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