Tuesday, June 18, 2002

ahhhh.. summer... the joys of sitting around in your pajamas alllllllll day, talking on the phone, watching soaps... being lazy. :)

*although.. you'd be proud of me.. i was semi-productive.. i finished my resume. whoo hoo.. i hope i get a good job. because of some recent events.. i have to make a lot of money, and fast.. so we'll see how that all works out.

this house hunting thing is psycho.. i hate it.

but i talked to angelee a lot today, we watched days together, and i'm going to visit her and her radioactive self in the hospital soon. talked to carrie and caught up on stuff, i tortured her some more. and talked to Keri.. WHOO HOO.. she's back in Torrance. she flew back from New Zealand to surprise her parents for their 25th anniversary.. and plus i think she was getting a little homesick, but anyways.. go for me.. we get to hang out.. we're going to go chill tomorrow.. it's going to be great. too bad all my present for her are in san diego.

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