Saturday, February 07, 2004

can i just tell you how right manny was when he said that sharkeez sucks ass. and i'll probably go there again sometime... maybe... so don't think i'm a dumbass or a hypocrite when i do.. but i honestly just wasted 3 hours of my life, 2 of it was waiting in line at sharkeez.

i dislike the parking in hermosa almost as much as westwood, but not quite. but it's still pretty bad. first i let some a-hole take this really good spot. i guess i can't get good parking karma all the time. but boo on him for not letting a girl have the spot :P and double boo on me for freaking stopping to let his car go first. i'm stupid. then i finally get to sharkeez and wait in line, and vivian calls me out of line, like a dumbass, i go. thinking she'd show of her breasts to get me in, but the not nice guy of a bouncer (the same one that manny hates) wouldn't let me in, which was cool, but vivian decided to wait in line with me. she turns around and walks smack into the heat lamp, so as she's leaving the bouncer says he won't let her back in because she's too drunk, she could wait in line and maybe he'd let her back in if she had sobered up. great. so we go back to the end of the line and wait, while vivian drunk dials a million people, gets in this fight with a random guy who wanted to stand in line with us, goes to talk to her friends already in the club, attempt to make conversations with people in front and back of us, make some more phone calls.. blah blah blah. i wait in line while watching the bouncer let in groups of girls behind me and groups of people just walking up to the door. and yea you could argue that they were hot girls or something.. but nooooo .. there were tall girls, short girls, groups of guys, a girl on crutches, a girl that i'm pretty sure was a man, pretty girls and ugly girls. apparently i don't fit into any of those freaking categories. i'm cool with waiting and all, but i watched SO many people go in, it was ridiculous. and it wasn't even the people in front of me... the line was getting shorter behind me, but not in front of me.. if that makes any sense to you. it was so aggravating. finally when we were the second group in line i just decided i could not handle it anymore. i realized that i wasn't in the socializing mood anymore anyways, so i pleaded with the bouncer to just let vivian back in so i could go the heck home where i should have freaking stayed in the first place. he said he'd come get us in a second, and like a minute later he did, so that wasn't too bad. i said thanks, for what i don't know, but just to be nice i guess. hoping next maybe it'd help (although i doubt it). i went inside, danced for a little bit, but i was playing the fifth wheel and that's a position i never really desire to be in. i hate doing a lot of things by myself and dancing in crowded clubs is one of them. especially when i was already pissed off. i found vivian talking to a group of guys (the ones she was hanging out with before i came... i think) and told her i was leaving, and although she said she was going to come right back, or she was just going to use the bathroom.. i was just not in the party time mood. i walked the many blocks back to my car and called nicole to yell, cuss and vent. so now nicole will never pick up the phone again when i call her past 1am. but nonetheless thanks nicole. sorry to vivian for "ruining" your night and a big fat no thanks to sharkeez for being so craptacular.

that's another 3 hours of my life i'll never get back.

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