Sunday, February 08, 2004

so does anyone want to know just how retarded i am? i mean.. besides the obvious. but anyways.. today i went to the bank with my dad to go deposit some checks, my dad was hassling me about how i should put all the checks in one envelope and not one at a time. but dammit, i like putting them in separately. so anyways.. he's hurrying me and after i finish putting the last check in, my dad goes "are you ready? let's go" so we walk to the car to go to the mall because i have to return some stuff. sounds simple right? no.. as i'm walking away, i fail to realize that i never finished my atm transaction, LEAVING MY ATM CARD IN THE MACHINE OPEN FOR THE WORLD TO WITHDRAW MY MONEY. right.. so i am a smart cookie. and the only reason i remembered is because i was at the cheesecake factory with vivian wondering where my atm card was because it wasn't in my wallet. yea.. i'm a big fat loser. i made vivian drive me back to the bank where there was no card (duh) but the machine was functioning. i call my bank and they tell me that there have been no transactions after my deposits, which is a good thing. and that the atm just just eats the card if there is no activity for a minute or so. so i'm praying that's what happened. but there is a block on my card so if someone does have it, they're stupid for not using it earlier. :P just kidding.. i shouldn't joke about this. but ugh.. i felt SO dumb tonight. who forgets crap like that and just walks away from an atm mid-transaction? no one.. just me. i need to lay off the drugs, killing too many braincells. i used to be smart way back when.

anyhow.. tonight i thought it was kind of interesting that clay aiken was on snl, and ruben studdard was on mad tv. like how kelly clarkson and clay aiken are going on tour together.. what about ruben? it's actually kind of sad, because ruben's the "idol" and clay aiken is just the runner up. which is cool because he's talented too, but you don't see justin guarini hanging around anywhere. and i bet if ruben hadn't have won he wouldn't have all the perks and contracts and junk. i just think that sucks that's all. materialistic america. (cuz i should talk right? i peddle $50 jeans and $30 shirts to people that probably cost $5 to make).

here's hoping to my atm card being safe. and to us playing really well in our games tomorrow. we had a four man practice today (such team dedication :P). i mean.. i know it's just supposed to be for fun and everything, but i wish that it wasn't such a joke. like i don't like wasting my time to organize practices if no one shows up. i mean.. i need it, but i guess i'm just frustrated with losing ALL the time. so here's hoping we win at least one if not both of our games. (come watch us!) i'm pretty sore though after that "pain in the butt" class i went to on friday :P i hope i'm healed tomorrow.

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