jean: there should be a valentine's equivalent of mistletoe
nicole: there is, chocolate, and you eat it ALL BY YOURSELF.
happy valentine's day!!
you know.. i really am kind of okay with valentine's day. and i think because not only have i had 22 valentine's day by myself, i've never experienced that lovey dovey mushy crap on feb 14th, so there's nothing to miss. it's kind of like "whatever." although i did get a little bummed with all the flowers being delivered this morning to girls that weren't me, and valentine's day packages from home that i wasn't getting (despite the fact that i live at home.. but still). valentine's day balloons, balloons, heart shaped cookies, heart shaped cookies on sticks stuck in flower pots and arranged like flowers.. arggh!! to much!! it was mostly the flowers that i was like "aww... i want a delivery of flowers to come to me." who from.. i haven't the foggiest.. but yea. all the times i've been delivered flowers (like 2.. for my birthday, from my family).. i haven't been around, so i show up and flowers are there. which is great, but someday.. i will experience the excitement of receiving flowers - and it won't be a joke from some girlfriends :P i miss when you had your class list and you spent the week making your valentine's day mailbox, and everyone would pass out valentines, drop them in your mailbox and you'd have a party drinking punch, and little debbie cakes (one of the kids in my class's dad worked at little debbie, so every holiday we'd have those little cakes :P) and check out all your valentines. funny enough i'm pretty sure i still have some of them tucked away in my drawer somewhere. :)
but i have lots of love.. so i don't mind.. but presents are always nice :P i was going to make cookies or something or buy candy, but i was too lazy.. so oh well. my dad is out of town, so it's just me and my mom.. so we're each other's dates :P i was going to take her out, but i have a feeling we'll just be bumming it at home. yay for sweats! :)
this weekend was fun.. but definitely not long enough!! friday i said goodbye to my relatives and consequently missed the hockey game. oh well. i was going to go out to see a movie, but my mom pulled the whole "i'm lonely!! don't you want to hang out with me?!" oh geez. saturday i woke up late anticipating a fun lazy day, but i got asked to cover a shift at el gap-o. i am too much of a sucker to say no, so that's where i found myself. afterwards was in-n-out and the make-up movie from friday.. hitch!! beth and ryan made fun of me for wanting to see it (and/or the wedding date).. but really it was really good!! really funny!! i laughed so hard.. and it's not super cheesy or predictable, but really cute :) and funny. oh my gosh it was so funny! sunday i played catch up watching tv at my sister's house... jerry's mom is deaf!! oh my gosh. hahah.. he is so cute, and his mom is deaf, he's almost perfect!! i think that jen is totally going to pick him.. she's had the hots for him from day 1!
working at the gap is evil. i worked a four hour shift and then bought 2 items of clothing that probably equaled more than i made that shift. awful!! and SPEAKING of awful... i got a summary of my spendings from my credit card company.. i spent $12,000 last year! what do i have to spend $12,000 on?! why didn't i save it?! my high spending month was february.. weird huh. i thought christmas would be way higher. but $8,000 of it was on "retail".. basically stuff i DON'T NEED. and $2,000 on food, which is not as bad.. but still not good. seriously.. if i could have saved half of that.. i would be so much happier.. maybe :P i have shelves full of dvd's that i don't watch everyday.. i figure they'll come in handy when i have my own place and a nifty video library :P but still... $8,000 on clothes? electronics? media? seriously? take away my credit card!
happy birthday keri & norma!!
valentine's day babies :)
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