Tuesday, July 09, 2002

today's been an okay day... at least it's ended pretty well.. i feel alright :)

hmm. today was my first day on intern-ing and edmonds management.. woo woo. i'm basically a pee-on though, making copies, running errands, organizing stuff, filing stuff.. yada yada yada. i guess i could be doing worse things though. heheh.. i surfed the internet for a little bit in the little nook they let me sit in, while not doing other things, but hehe.. i have an actual place i guess. i DID however find that they (we?) represent the guy from the oops i did it again video (the astronaut.. who could forget him) and darren henson!! (of darren's dance grooves!) along with some other exciting people (like rosario dawson).. but those two ranked high on my sordid list. hahahaha

drove home, traffic wasn't too icky.. although i do have a real problem with speeding up real fast and then having to come a complete stop. i swear.. i need to be careful or else i'm totally going to rear end someone and that would suck hard core. ate dinner with my daddy and chilled before Carrie came to pick me up. ooh.. the new Dave cd was leaked and so i promptly downloaded it and burned it.. whoo hoo.. free music. man.. i'm totally gonna go to jail. bad bad me.. anyways it's good.. it's very dave of course. it's nice and relaxing .. it's faboo. Carrie and I worked out, and aside from the broken treadmills, icky id card picture, and me being way sick and congested, it was okay. ate afterwards (yes.. defeating the purpose.. we're still trying to work on that).. but.. i may have found a new possibility for a job. the graveyard shift at denny's. yes ... i know it's SUPER crazy.. but i am one broke ass mofo with a need for lots of money. i dunno.. i kind of really want to do it.. i must be insane!

got the ftp server to work to feed my addiction to jason mraz, and chit chatted with friends. ooh.. last night I watched the DAYS tape that angelee made me. it was the entire week of days of our lives when sami gets her rear end kicked in by austin. IT WAS THE BEST!!! five episodes, no commercials ~ austin caught her lying, broke off the engagement, left sami bawling at the alter.. man austin is SO hot. but anyways.. it was so great.. and it was a long time coming, she was not allowed to marry austin, and she totally deserved what she got.. and i was SO excited.. i was squealing like a five year old child. my family thought i was insane. so THANKS angelee mucho times over.. it's a tape i will cherish forever. and if you ever want to watch it.. just let me know! it's great.

"good girl. here i'll give you two dollars and you can go buy yourself some boba"

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